Creamy Apple Chia Protein Pudding


Chia seeds are pretty cool, in addition to being packed with healthy fats and fiber, when added to liquids they transform before your very eyes.  This chia pudding recipe is easily transported in individual servings so would be a great on the go snack or dessert.  Since it contains carbs from the applesauce and protein from the protein powder, it would also make a great post workout snack.  Additionally, there are no added sweeteners of any kind, the sweetness of the applesauce speaks for itself!  Let me know if you try it in the comments.


1/2 cup chia seeds

1/2 cup canned full fat coconut milk, or other milk option of your choosing (almond, cow dairy or any other milk you prefer would work just fine in this recipe)

4 cups unsweetened applesauce, creamy or chunky.  Flavored applesauce would be good

1.5 scoops of protein powder (I used unflavored plain whey protein powder, but any unflavored protein powder or collagen peptides would work nicely)

1 tsp cinnamon, or more if desired

1 pinch of sea salt

Optional additional ingredients for serving: apple slices, walnuts or pecans, coconut flakes, extra cinnamon.

Tools needed: bowl, fork or whisk, blender, measuring cups


  1. In a medium bowl, measure out the chia seeds and set aside.

2. In a blender, combine the applesauce, coconut milk, protein powder, cinnamon and pinch of sea salt.  Blend until well combined.  Taste and add more cinnamon if so desired.

3. Transfer the applesauce mixture into the bowl with the chia seeds and immediatly begin to stir together.  Chia seeds will begin to absorb the moisture of the applesauce and will clump together if not thoroughly mixed.  Mix well and stir frequently over 5-10 mintues as it thickens up to prevent clumping.

4. Transfer to the refrigerator.  You can serve this with sliced fresh apples, an extra dash of cinnamon, chopped nuts or coconut flakes.


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