Getting Your Sh#t Together: A Practical Guide to Meal Prep

When I was in my 20’s, the idea of meal prep was, “is there any trail mix left in the pantry?”   But now that I’m older, with all the obligations and time constraints of being an adult, I find that I need a plan.  Our generation calls it batch cooking, or prep day, but I just call it getting your shit together.  I like to plan my meals, make a complete list and do as much cooking as possible all in one go.

meal prep
Mr. White and Jessie know what I’m talking about.

If you feel that a plan for getting your shit together would help you, I’ve curated all of my blog recipes to date and have added in a handy shopping guide, step by step instructions for cooking it all, and a PDF of all of the recipes listed in the order you would be cooking them.  I’m posting this on Saturday to give you weekend shoppers a chance to get your shit together this weekend!

Here are the PDF files for your use, please let me know if you try this method and if it helps!

Shopping list

Meal Prep Day Guidelines

Meal Prep Day Recipes

Do you already do this or have your own method for meal prep?  I appreciate your thoughts and feedback.