Creamy Apple Chia Protein Pudding


Chia seeds are pretty cool, in addition to being packed with healthy fats and fiber, when added to liquids they transform before your very eyes.  This chia pudding recipe is easily transported in individual servings so would be a great on the go snack or dessert.  Since it contains carbs from the applesauce and protein from the protein powder, it would also make a great post workout snack.  Additionally, there are no added sweeteners of any kind, the sweetness of the applesauce speaks for itself!  Let me know if you try it in the comments.


1/2 cup chia seeds

1/2 cup canned full fat coconut milk, or other milk option of your choosing (almond, cow dairy or any other milk you prefer would work just fine in this recipe)

4 cups unsweetened applesauce, creamy or chunky.  Flavored applesauce would be good

1.5 scoops of protein powder (I used unflavored plain whey protein powder, but any unflavored protein powder or collagen peptides would work nicely)

1 tsp cinnamon, or more if desired

1 pinch of sea salt

Optional additional ingredients for serving: apple slices, walnuts or pecans, coconut flakes, extra cinnamon.

Tools needed: bowl, fork or whisk, blender, measuring cups


  1. In a medium bowl, measure out the chia seeds and set aside.

2. In a blender, combine the applesauce, coconut milk, protein powder, cinnamon and pinch of sea salt.  Blend until well combined.  Taste and add more cinnamon if so desired.

3. Transfer the applesauce mixture into the bowl with the chia seeds and immediatly begin to stir together.  Chia seeds will begin to absorb the moisture of the applesauce and will clump together if not thoroughly mixed.  Mix well and stir frequently over 5-10 mintues as it thickens up to prevent clumping.

4. Transfer to the refrigerator.  You can serve this with sliced fresh apples, an extra dash of cinnamon, chopped nuts or coconut flakes.


Sweet and Smokey Cabbage Apple Slaw

Fall inspired recipe, gluten free, low carb, paleo friendly.016

This recipe is inspired by the start of fall (which officially begins tomorrow) and the start of Rosh Hashanah (which officially began yesterday at sunset).  Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, is a high holiday in the Jewish tradition.  A typical Rosh Hashanah dinner gathering includes foods that have symbolic meaning for the holiday.  To get a better understanding of some of the foods that are central to Jewish new year, check out this article.  A typical Rosh Hashanah meal would not be complete without apples dipped in honey.  The apples in honey represent the wish for a sweet new year, isn’t that a nice thought?

While my recipe would not be considered a traditional food for the holiday, I had Jewish new year as well as the start of fall in mind while creating this recipe, as this recipe includes apples and honey.  This is what I’d consider a template recipe.  Like more apples in your slaw?  Go for it!  Like a mix of red and green cabbage?  Try it out!

Happy new year if you celebrate it, if not, happy fall!



Let’s assume all ingredients are pre-washed 🙂

Slaw ingredients:

1/2 medium red cabbage, shredded (or a mix of red and green cabbage)

1 apple, sliced thin

1/2 bunch of cilantro, leaves removed (set some aside for garnish)

Optional add ins: Shredded carrots, sliced avocado (do not chop until serving to prevent browning of the avocado), dried cranberries, toasted walnuts (not traditional for Rosh Hashanah).

Dressing ingredients:

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

Scant 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar (just less than 1/4 cup, can add more as desired

1/2 – 3/4 teaspoon of chipotle powder, I used dried chipotle peppers and ground them in my spice grinder, but you can also find this as a ready to use powder.  Note on spiciness: use 1/2 teaspoon chipotle powder if you prefer less spice in your meals. (Optional substitution: if you don’t have chipotle powder, regular chili powder would be fine to use instead)

1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds, toasted and ground.  (Optional substitution: If you don’t have whole cumin seeds, using 1/2 teaspoon of cumin powder would be fine.)

1 tablespoon honey

1/4 teaspoon sea salt (If your chipotle or chili powder contains salt, you may want to lower the amount of sea salt.)

A note on the dressing:  I don’t like a lot of extra dressing mixed in with my slaw, so add to your liking.  I had a little dressing left over.  You can always serve with extra dressing on the side for anyone wanting a little more.  The leftover dressing would be good on other green salads and keeps well in the refrigerator.


  1. Mix dressing ingredients, starting with only 1/2 teaspoon of chipotle/chili powder to start, taste and add more chipotle/chili powder as desired.  Set aside.
  2. In a large bowl, incorporate shredded cabbage and finely sliced apple (and carrots, if using) mix to combine.  Toss in some of the cilantro leaves, being careful not to crush them.
  3. Add dressing, 1/4 cup at a time, stirring as you add the dressing.  I used about 1/2 cup total of the dressing, which left a little dressing left over.  Refrigerate the slaw in the
  4. Add more cilantro when serving, along with any optional add ins, such as dried cranberries, avocado slices, or toasted walnuts.


Healthier Taco Salad (Paleo friendly, Gluten and Dairy free)


While I love tacos just as much as anyone else (ok, maybe my husband loves them more than I do), I don’t always feel great after eating them.  I wanted to create a recipe that would hit the flavor mark (flavor mark is a thing, right?) with clean ingredients.  The beauty of a recipe like this is that it is a fast meal, the salad ingredients can be customized to one’s liking (in the photos I included red cabbage) and is great for a party or potluck.  If making ahead or for a group, I suggest keeping the plantain chips separate until serving.

Healthier Taco Salad (Paleo friendly, Gluten and Dairy free)


1 lb ground beef

1 can pinto beans (omit for paleo version)

1 clove garlic, minced

Oil for cooking

Salad ingredients: Let’s assume that you have already washed your veggies, ok?

Lettuce (any variety), washed, dried and leaves torn

1 pint cherry tomatoes, washed and sliced in half

1 bunch green onions, thinly sliced on bias

Red bell pepper, sliced into thin strips

Black olives, drained

½ bunch cilantro, roughly chopped

1-2 avocados

Plantain chips

Spice mix:

½ teaspoon cumin

1 teaspoon chili powder

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

½ teaspoon sea salt

Goes great with my dressing recipe: Cilantro Lime Vinaigrette


  1. In a medium-sized skillet over medium heat, warm up 1-2 teaspoons of olive or avocado oil. When pan is warm, add the ground beef and spice mix. Stir to break up the beef and incorporate spices.  Allow to cook over medium heat until the meat is cooked through and has released it’s juices.  If doing the paleo version, go ahead and remove from heat.  If including beans, stir in beans to incorporate and cook until beef and bean mixture are warm.  Set pan aside.
  2. In serving bowl, layer the following salad ingredients; lettuce, green onions, bell pepper, tomatoes, black olives and cilantro.
  3. Top with beef and bean mixture. Garnish with avocado chunks and lastly, serve with plantain chips and cilantro lime vinaigrette.

Curried Turkey and Chickpea Shepard’s Pie


I wanted to share a recipe I developed a while ago, that for some reason I never posted.  I love shepard’s pie, and find that it is a fun type of recipe to play around with in terms of flavor and spice combinations.  This is comfort food at it’s finest, the warming spices of curry and garam masala pair nicely with the turkey and chickpeas.  Shepard’s pie in any form is great comfort food, in my opinion.  Let me know if you try it out in the comments.


Optional yam topping in food processor.  If using cauliflower topping, the same method will apply.
Shown with optional yam topping.



Curried Turkey and Chickpea Shepard’s Pie


1 lb ground turkey

2 tsp coconut oil

1/2 medium onion, chopped small

1 stalk celery, diced

1 cup carrots, diced

1 bunch green onions, chopped and dark green ends discarded

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 tbs fresh ginger root, grated

1 can (approximately 1 cup) cooked and drained chickpeas

Mix the following spices together in a small bowl:

1 tsp garam masala

1 tsp curry powder

1/2 tsp coriander

1/2 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp salt

Cauliflower topping:

3 cups cauliflower, chopped (alternate version: use 3 cups chopped yams instead of the cauliflower)

2 tsp butter

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp curry powder

Method- refer to ingredients lists on how to chop all veggies.

  1. Heat pan on medium heat, add 1 tsp coconut oil, onions, celery, carrots and green onions. Stir and cook for 5-6 minutes until soft. Add garlic, ginger and half of the spice blend and stir.  Cook for another 30 seconds, stirring to incorporate spices.  Remove veggies from pan and set aside.
  2. Wipe out pan, add 1 tsp coconut oil to the pan and crumble the ground turkey into the pan. Add remaining spice blend and stir to combine. Cook until turkey is cooked through.  Return veggies to the pan and add the chickpeas and 1/2 cup chicken broth.  Cook until chickpeas are warmed through and broth has reduced a little.
  3. Preheat oven to 375o F and grease a 9×9” square baking dish.
  4. Steam cauliflower (or yams, if using) until tender, then remove from pan an allow to cool enough to handle. Mash the cauliflower (or yams) with the butter and spices, either by hand with a potato masher or food processor.
  5. Add the veggie and turkey mix to a greased baking dish, then spread the topping evenly over the filling.
  6. Bake at 375o F for 45-50 minutes, or until the topping is getting a little brown on top. Allow to cool a few minutes, be careful when taking out of the baking dish as it may be crumbly.
  7. Serve with a fresh green salad for a well balanced meal. Enjoy!


Black Olive and Turkey Fritatta


I like this recipe because it is easy to pack for a breakfast or lunch on the go.  It has protein, carbs and fiber to help keep you full.  Keeping this intro short today, let me know if you try this recipe and how it goes for you!

Yam, onion, spinach, spice mix all waiting to be added to this tasty recipe.
Shredded yams on the bottom layer.
Spinach on the next layer.
Sauteed onions and ground turkey over the spinach.
Eggs poured over everything.
Finished product with black olives and tomato paste added on top.  I think I’ll add more tomato paste next time.

Black Olive and Turkey Fritatta


Dozen eggs, beaten well with a splash of water and a pinch of salt
1/2 lb ground turkey
2-3 tsp coconut oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 cup chopped frozen spinach, set out before beginning recipe to allow to thaw a little.
1 medium yam, grated
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup chopped black olives
Tomato paste, to taste
Spice blend:
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp dried basil


1. Preheat oven to 375° F and grease a baking dish with coconut oil. I used a 9×9” baking dish, but any medium sized baking dish would be fine.
2. Heat a medium skillet over medium heat, add 1 tsp oil, stir in minced garlic for a few seconds and then add shredded yam and sprinkle with a pinch of sea salt. Allow to cook for a few minutes until soft. Remove from skillet and spread over the bottom of the baking dish.
3. Return skillet to heat, add about a tsp of oil and cook onion over medium heat until soft, 4-5 minutes and then add the frozen spinach and some of the spice blend. Cook until the spinach is cooked, adding a splash of water if needed to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pan.
4. Meanwhile, in another medium skillet, add 1 tsp oil, the ground turkey and the remaining spice blend and cook until cooked through. Combine the cooked turkey with the onions and spinach and remove from heat. Spread the turkey and veggies over the shredded yams in the baking dish.
5. Pour the beaten eggs over the baking dish, then toss the black olives on top and spoon the tomato paste in evenly spaced dollops over the top,
6. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes, check the center for done-ness and return to oven if needed until the center is set.  You want the center to be cooked through and the edges to be slightly golden brown.
7. Allow to cool for a few minutes and serve with fresh fruit or salsa and avocado for a complete meal.


Spicy Ginger Chicken Soup

In case all the recently hot weather in Colorado hasn’t completely fooled you, it’s still winter time here. One of my favorite recipes when it’s cold out and I’m feeling run down is my Spicy Chicken Soup. Chicken soup is the ultimate in comfort food and when you make it from scratch, you get all of the nourishing benefits of making your own broth and the satisfaction that you are getting the most out of the meat you’ve purchased. It takes a bit of chopping and a few hours of your time to cook, but after your veggies are chopped and the broth is simmering away, you can let it simmer while you do other things, just be sure to keep an eye on it to be sure it’s not boiling down too fast. It‘s a great recipe to make on a cold, cozy Sunday and makes quite a few servings with inexpensive ingredients. You can add in other veggies of your choosing or adjust quantities to your liking, give it a try and let me know how it goes!

Spicy Ginger Chicken Soup

For the broth:
1 whole organic, free range chicken (3-4 lbs) or 3-4 pounds of bone in skin on chicken parts (any combination of legs, thighs or breasts)
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp whole peppercorns
2 whole fresno chilies, no need to chop! (or jalapeno, serranos or other moderately spiced chilies. Use more if you know you like things a little spicier than the average bear)
1” chunk of ginger
3-4 gloves garlic, whole and unpeeled
Stalks of a bunch of cilantro (reserve the leaves for serving)
6-8 cups of filtered water (or tap water if no filter is available)
You can also add the scraps of the veggies listed below that will go into the soup
Optional: a splash of apple cider vinegar to extract more minerals from the bones

For the soup:
2 cups chopped parsnips (save the ends for broth)
1 cup chopped carrots (save the ends and skin for broth)
1 cup chopped celery (save the ends for broth)
1 cup chopped green cabbage (don’t use the scraps for broth, it will make the broth bitter)
1 bunch green onions, chopped (save the green tops and root ends for broth)

For serving:
Sea salt, to taste
Tamari or coconut aminos

Let’s get started:
1. Quarter the whole chicken (if you’re starting with a whole chicken, that is), place in a large soup pot with the broth ingredients and cover with water. This may take up to 8 cups of water, just be sure the chicken is covered. You may have to re-position the chicken to keep it submerged. If a few pieces want to poke up out of the water, that’s okay, just reposition at some point during the cooking time to ensure the meat cooks evenly.

2. Heat over medium heat until boiling and keep a close eye on the broth until it gets foamy at the top, skim off the foamy stuff that rises to the top and discard the foam.  If you don’t remove the foam, it can boil over and trust me when I tell you that you don’t want that! Lower the heat on the broth to bring to a gentle simmer. Chop the other vegetables while the chicken simmers. If your water has reduced too much (if the chicken is no longer covered), then add more water as needed.  Continue to simmer the broth for 45 minutes or so.  Carefully remove the chicken, continue to let the broth simmer and let the chicken cool a bit. Remove the chicken from the bones and return the bones and cartilage to the pot and continue to simmer for another 15-20 minutes, and remove the broth from the heat. When your chicken has cooled, chop it into bite sized pieces and set aside.

3. Strain the broth and discard the solids. Return the broth to the pot and add the chopped soup veggies (with additional water as needed to cover the veggies) and simmer for another 15 minutes or so, until the veggies are tender. Return the chicken to the pot and heat a few minutes longer until the chicken is warmed through.

4. Adjust the seasonings as needed, and when you’re ready to serve the soup, ladle into bowls and add cilantro, a squeeze of lime juice and some tamari or coconut aminos as desired.

Pepperoni Pizza Frittata

“Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, pizza at suppertime.” I think I must have had that jingle in my head when I decided to make a pepperoni pizza frittata for breakfast. And now that song is in your head, too. Sorry about that. I find that adding the pepperoni on top makes it more ‘pizza-y’ than if you just mix the pepperoni in with everything else. This recipe is a great make-ahead breakfast, and is truly great for lunch or dinner, is gluten free, dairy free (unless you add the parmesan, but it’s great without it!) and paleo friendly.

Fresh eggs from the backyard hens.  Thanks, girls!



Pepperoni Pizza Frittata

8 eggs, whisked with a splash of water added
2 tsp coconut oil or olive oil
1 red onion, sliced into thin strips
3-4 stalks of red chard, sliced into thin ribbons Optional substitution: 3-4 stalks of kale, (just remove the stems and slice as you would the chard)or 1 cup of spinach in place of chard if you prefer.
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms, your choice of white, baby bella (small portabella mushrooms) or larger portabella mushrooms (sliced into smaller pieces)
1/2 cup olives of your choice, sliced into chunks
1/2 cup cherry or grape tomatoes, sliced in half
3-4 ounces of all natural pepperoni (I used Wellshire brand, but Applegate Farms makes a good one, too)
Optional: 1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
1 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp dried rosemary
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp black pepper

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees and slice all veggies. In a medium cast iron skillet, or other oven safe skillet, heat 2 tsp of coconut or olive oil over medium heat. When your oil is hot, add the onions to the skillet and stir to coat with oil. Cook for 3-4 minutes until the onion starts to get soft. Add the red chard and mushrooms to the skillet with a pinch of salt and stir to combine. When the chard starts to wilt and the mushrooms start to get soft, add the remaining spices and allow to cook for 30 seconds.
2. Pour the whisked eggs on top, then sprinkle the cherry tomatoes and olives on top and press lightly into the egg mixture. If you’re using the parmesan cheese, go ahead and sprinkle it on now. Then arrange the pepperoni slices so they are slightly overlapping, smooshing them down into the eggs a bit.
3. Allow the frittata to cook a few minutes on the stovetop, then place in the oven to bake for about 30 minutes, or until set in the center. Allow to cool a little and slice. Serve with fresh tomatoes and a green salad for a complete meal!

Cajun Spiced Roasted Yams

I don’t know if it’s because I grew up in the south with my mom’s sweet potato casserole, but good grief I love yams!  I’d go for yams over white potatoes any day, and I’m just lucky that they’re pretty good for you, too.  Yams are kind of having a moment, which I think they totally deserve.  This recipe pairs well with my Southwestern Turkey Black Bean Meatloaf if you’re looking for ideas for serving.


These roasted yams pair perfectly with my Southwestern Turkey Black Bean Meatloaf!

Cajun Spiced Roasted Yams

3 yams, peeled and chopped into 1/2” pieces
1.5 Tbs coconut oil
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp Cajun Creole seasoning mix (Spice Hunter brand)
1/2 tsp oregano

1.Preheat oven to 400° F. Prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper or lightly oil. Put yams in a medium sized mixing bowl. Melt coconut oil and mix spices into melted coconut oil, then pour over yams and stir to combine. The oil will harden as it cools on the yams, but that’s fine. It will melt again in the oven.
2.Roast yams in oven for 40 minutes. Checking after 20 minutes and flip them over and rotate pan as needed. Yams are done when they are soft and look roasty brown in spots. I suggest trying with my Southwestern Turkey Black Bean Meatloaf and a salad.

Southwestern Turkey and Black Bean Meatloaf

Sometimes, you don’t want to mess with the classics.  This recipe does the opposite.  I wanted to combine black beans and ground turkey with chili powder and green chilies, and did some recipe testing to create this meatloaf.  The beans add texture, fiber and flavor and take the place of a little of the meat this recipe would otherwise need.  I don’t cook with gluten containing ingredients in my kitchen, so this version is gluten free, using coconut flour rather than the traditionally used breadcrumbs.  If you want a paleo version, just use another 1/2 lb of ground turkey instead of the beans.  If gluten agrees with you, feel free to use regular breadcrumbs in place of the coconut flour, but you’ll have to adjust the amount.

Southwestern Turkey and Black Bean Meatloaf

1 lb ground turkey (I used 93% lean, but any variety would work well, ground beef could be used instead if you’d prefer)
1 cup black beans, drained
1 egg, beaten
3 Tbs coconut flour
1 bunch of green onions, chopped (or 1 medium yellow onion, chopped)
2 tsp coconut oil
1 green pepper
4 oz hatch green chilies
garlic 3 cloves
1/2 bunch cilantro
Spice mix:
1.5 Tbs chili powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp cumin

Set aside:
10 oz Rotel tomatoes and chilies, drained

1.Preheat your oven to 400° F. In a medium skillet over medium heat, melt coconut oil and add onions and green pepper. Allow to sautee for about 5 minutes until it starts to cook down a little then add some of the spice mix and all of the minced garlic. Cook for another 30 seconds or so, while stirring. Remove from heat and set aside.
2.In a medium mixing bowl, combine turkey, beans, green chilies, the rest of the spices and the cilantro. Mix a bit with your hands then add the egg and coconut flour and continue to mix to combine. Add the sauteed onion pepper mix and combine.
3.Oil a bread pan on the bottom and sides. Drain the Rotel tomatoes and set aside. Put meat into the pan and place in the oven when it’s preheated. Bake for 45 minutes, remove from oven and top with the drained Rotel tomatoes and return to the oven for 20 minutes. Bake until internal temperature of meatloaf reaches 170° F. Allow to cool slightly before serving.  The meatloaf will release some juices and shrink a little as it bakes, you can carefully drain off any excess liquid when the cooking time is over.
4.Serve with chili roasted sweet potatoes and a green salad.

Sage Roasted Turkey with Shallots and Apples

Roasted turkey isn’t just for Thanksgiving, people!  This recipe is a great alternative to the longer and more complicated process of baking an entire turkey, with all the savory flavors that you’d expect with turkey.  You could also use turkey breasts or if you’d prefer chicken then chicken thighs or bone in chicken breasts would be great instead.  The shallots and apples cook nicely in the juices of the turkey and pair well with the savory spices and poultry.  Enjoy!

Sage Roasted Turkey with Shallots and Apples

2 lbs bone in skin on turkey thighs or breasts (bone in skin on chicken thighs or breasts would be good, too)
2 fuji apples, chopped (or apples of your choice)
3 medium shallots, chopped (or a large red onion, chopped)
1 Tbs butter, melted
1/2 tsp salt (keep separate from spice mix)
Spice Mix:
1 tsp garlic pepper (I suggest Spice Hunter brand, it doesn’t contain any gums, msg or strange ingredients)
1/2 tsp dried sage
1/2 tsp tarragon
1/2 tsp dried rosemary, ground in a spice grinder or just crushed a bit between your hands.
1 tsp marjoram

1.Preheat oven to 400° F. Remove turkey from fridge while you prepare other ingredients. Lightly oil a baking dish and set aside.
2.Slice shallots into rounds and chop apples into small chunks. Layer both on the bottom of baking dish to cover it. Drizzle a tsp of the melted butter and some of the spice mix on top.
3.Remove turkey from package and dry with paper towels, then set on the shallots and apples in the baking dish. Drizzle with the remaining butter then mix the salt with the rest of the spice mix. Sprinkle salt and spice mix over turkey, covering evenly.
4.Place baking dish into oven and set timer for 50 minutes. Check internal temp of turkey, it should cook to 170° F, return to oven if it needs more time.
5.Remove from oven and allow to cool a bit before serving. Serve with the shallots and apples on the side, roasted yams or potatoes and a green veggie of your choice.